Sunday, July 28, 2013

Honey, I'm home!

Sorry everyone! I know I’m a slacker. I am so sorry that I have been gone for so long with no word on where I was or what I was doing, but I am here to tell you- I did not die! I am alive and well and back at my home and am now able to get back on top of all things book blog.

So first things first, where was I for three weeks? Wouldn't you like to know! hmmm? 
Well obviously I was out traveling with the Doctor and visiting new earth. Don’t you know. 
Ha! I wish, but for cereal I was taking a road trip with some friends to Texas and Oklahoma because that’s where the cool kids spend their summer, right? I was able to spend about a week in Texas and I got to go to Celebrate freedom which is a christian music festival, I saw Mandisa, TobyMac (for the fourth time), and Switchfoot. And I was attacked by a weeping angel.

 I saw cool fireworks and got a coffee mug. Win! After dealing with ungodly 100 degree weather I spent the week in Oklahoma with an unexpected cold front and enjoyed 80 degree weather much to the delight of me and my entire family. I spent Fourth of July there and we spent four hours setting off over $400 worth of fireworks after spending all day popping poppers and blowing up blackcats *insert crazed smile here*. 

After my week with my Nana and Papa I met back up with my friends spent the day at Turner Falls in OK and then spent the rest of the week chilling at their house in Texas. I am pleased to report I got a tan, I went to an outdoor pool, and read 6 books in the last week and half. So if it were up to me I’d say my trip was a complete success. 

If you want to see a few of the pictures I took they are right here:

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